Stamp territories of Africa are articulated in Geophila Stamp Atlas on parts:

31 - Morocco and contiguous islands
32 - North Africa
33 - West Africa
34 - Equatorial Africa
35 - East Africa
36 - Central Africa
37 - South Afrika
38 - Indian ocean islands


List of basic African stamp territories in alphabetical order:

35-040 Afars and Issas territory fr.
32-210 Alexandria fr.
32-020 Algeria
32-010 Algeria fr.
36-020 Angola
36-010 Angola port.
31-240 Angra port.
38-110 Anjouan fr.
33-480 Ascension br.
31-220 Azores port.
37-210 Basutoland br.
37-230 Bechuanaland br.
36-050 Belgian Congo
35-070 Benadir it.
32-050 Benghasi it.
33-250 Benin
33-210 Benin fr.
34-090 Biafra
37-150 Bophuthatswana
37-240 Botswana
37-040 British Bechuanaland
36-100 British Central Africa
35-220 British East Africa
35-230 British East Africa and Uganda
35-210 British East Africa Company
38-220 British Indian Ocean Territory
35-060 British Somaliland
36-150 British South Africa Company (Rhodesia)
33-350 Buchanan - Liberia
33-200 Burkina Faso
35-420 Burundi
34-130 Cameroun
34-120 Cameroun fr.
34-110 Cameroun fr.occup.ger.colony
34-100 Cameroun ger.
31-300 Canarian Islands
31-160 Cape Juby sp.
37-010 Cape of Good Hope br.
33-470 Cape Verde Islands
33-460 Cape Verde Islands port.
34-230 Central Africa
34-260 Chad
34-250 Chad fr.
37-180 Ciskei
38-140 Comoro Islands fr.
38-150 Comoro Islands republic
34-200 Congo (Brazzaville)
36-060 Congo (Kinshasa)
36-040 Congo Free State
32-120 Cyrenaica br.
32-080 Cyrenaica it.
33-240 Dahomey
33-220 Dahomey and dependencies fr.
33-230 Dahomey fr.
38-020 Diego-Suarez and dependencies fr.
38-030 Diego-Suarez fr.
35-050 Djibouti
35-020 Djibouti fr.
35-120 E.A.F.
32-190 Egypt
32-180 Egypt br.
32-170 Egypt tur.
32-200 Egypt - UAR
34-300 Elobey, Annobon and Corisco
34-330 Equatorial Guinea
35-170 Eritrea
35-160 Eritrea br.
35-150 Eritrea it.
35-180 Etiopia
35-190 Etiopia it.
33-120 Federation Mali
34-280 Fernando Poo sp.
32-140 Fezzan fr.
32-150 Fezzan - Ghadames
34-170 French Congo
34-270 French Equatorial Africa
33-010 French Guinea
35-030 French Somali Coast
33-110 French Soudan (Bamako)
33-080 French Soudan (Kayes)
33-260 French West Africa
31-290 Funchal port.
34-180 Gabon
34-160 Gabon - Congo fr.
34-150 Gabon fr.
33-430 Gambia
33-420 Gambia br.
35-300 German East Africa
35-400 German East Africa belg.
35-310 German East Africa br.
37-250 German South West Africa
32-150 Ghadames fr.
33-330 Ghana
33-320 Gold Coast br.
38-120 Great Comoro fr.
33-360 Greenville - Liberia
33-020 Guinea
33-450 Guinea-Bissau
33-440 Guinea port.
33-370 Harper - Liberia
31-250 Horta port.
31-150 Ifni sp.
36-230 Inhambane port.
35-100 Italian colonies
35-110 Italian East Africa
35-080 Italian Somalia
33-170 Ivory Coast
33-160 Ivory Coast fr.
35-090 Jubaland it.
36-070 Katanga
35-270 Kenya
35-240 Kenya and Uganda br.
35-250 Kenya - Uganda - Tanganyika
35-260 Kenya - Uganda - Tanzania
36-225 Kionga
31-180 La Aguera sp.
34-010 Lagos br.
37-220 Lesotho
33-340 Liberia
32-160 Libya
32-070 Libya it.
36-220 Lourenco Marques
38-060 Madagascar and dependencies
38-070 Madagascar fr.
38-010 Madagascar
38-090 Madagascar republic
31-270 Madeira port.
38-080 Malagasy republic
36-140 Malawi
33-130 Mali
31-010 Morocco kheriphians post
31-100 Morocco br.
31-020 Morocco fr. post
31-030 Morocco fr. protectorate
31-110 Morocco ger. post
31-070 Morocco kingdom
31-080 Morocco Northern Zone
31-040 Morocco sp. post
31-060 Morocco sp. protectorate
33-040 Mauretania
33-030 Mauretania fr.
38-180 Mauritius
38-170 Mauritius br.
38-100 Mayotte fr.
32-100 MEF br.
34-190 Middle Congo fr.
38-130 Moheli fr.
33-380 Monrovia - Liberia
36-290 Mozambique
36-240 Mozambique Company
36-210 Mozambique port.
37-270 Namibia
37-050 Natal br.
37-110 New Republic
33-150 Niger
33-140 Niger fr.
34-030 Niger Coast br.
34-080 Nigeria
34-060 Nigeria br.
34-050 Northern Nigeria
36-190 Northern Rhodesia
38-040 Nossi-Be fr.
36-130 Nyasaland
36-110 Nyasaland br. protectorate
36-280 Nyassa Company
35-010 Obock fr.
34-020 Oil Rivers br. protectorate
37-070 Orange Free State
37-080 Orange River Colony
38-210 Outer Seychelles
31-260 Ponta Delgada
32-220 Port Said
36-300 Portuguese Africa
36-030 Portuguese Congo
36-270 Quelimane port.
38-160 Reunion fr.
36-170 Rhodesia
36-120 Rhodesia and Nyasaland
31-170 Rio de Oro sp.
34-320 Rio Muni sp.
33-390 Robertsport - Liberia
35-410 Ruanda-Urundi
35-420 Rwanda
33-490 St. Helena br.
38-050 St. Marie de Madagascar
34-350 St.Thomas and Prince Island
34-340 St.Thomas and Prince Island port.
33-070 Senegal
33-060 Senegal fr.
33-050 Senegal and dependencies fr.
33-090 Senegambia and Niger
38-200 Seychelles
38-190 Seychelles br.
33-410 Sierra Leone
33-400 Sierra Leone br.
35-140 Somalia
35-130 Somalia br.
32-250 Soudan
32-240 Soudan br.-egypt.condominium
32-230 Soudan egypt.occup.
37-130 South Africa
37-090 South African Republic (Transvaal)
36-080 South Kasai
37-260 South West Africa
34-140 Southern Cameroons
34-040 Southern Nigeria br.
36-160 Southern Rhodesia br.
37-030 Stella
37-200 Swaziland
37-190 Swaziland br.
37-180 Swaziland bur.-br.
34-290 Spanish Continental Guinea
34-310 Spanish Guinea
31-190 Spanish Sahara
31-200 Spanish West Africa
35-330 Tanganyika
35-320 Tanganyika br.
35-340 Tanganyika-Zanzibar
31-140 Tanger br. post
31-120 Tanger fr. post
31-130 Tanger sp. post
35-350 Tanzania
36-260 Tete port.
31-050 Tetuan sp. post
33-610 Togo
33-300 Togo fr.
33-270 Togo ger. colony
33-280 Togo ger. colony br. occup.
33-290 Togo ger. colony fr. occup.
37-140 Transkei
37-100 Transvaal br. occup.
37-120 Transvaal br. colony
32-060 Tripoli it. post
32-110 Tripolitania br.
32-090 Tripolitania it.
33-500 Tristan da Cunha
32-040 Tunisia
32-030 Tunisia fr.
34-220 Ubangi-Shari fr.
34-210 Ubangi-Shari - Chad fr.
35-290 Uganda
35-280 Uganda br.
33-100 Upper Senegal and Niger
33-190 Upper Volta
33-180 Upper Volta fr.
37-160 Vendaland
34-070 West Cameroun br.
37-020 West Griqualand
35-200 Witu
36-090 Zaire
36-250 Zambezia port.
36-200 Zambia
35-380 Zanzibar
35-390 Zanzibar (Tanzania)
35-370 Zanzibar br.
35-360 Zanzibar fr. post
36-180 Zimbabwe
37-060 Zulia





Mafeking (1900)



Detailed informations about stamp teritories, their postal historical developments and local issues, are mentioned in Geophila Stamp Atlases.



Latest edit 2008-04-24

